Sunday, March 15th: This was our first full day in Zambia! We drove out into the bush to the village of Kasibi where we joined our Zambian brothers and sisters in worship, Bible class, and communion. One of our own group members led the sermon while a village church member translated for their 100+ member congregation. A woman in the row ahead of me gave four eggs as the basket was passed for the offering. Their singing was spirited and beautiful! Our group was humbled when the church members asked us to sing some of our own songs of worship. That was probably one of my favorite moments of the entire week because of the way I was able to experience God’s love and power from a whole new perspective. Afterwards we ate a tradiational Zambian meal of fried chicken, tomato soup/sauce, and nshima (flavor of a corn tortilla, appearance of grits, consistency of playdough). Mmmm!
After we ate, the village band (made up of teenage boys with homemade instruments) performed for us under a tent as it rained. It was so neat to see how they had constructed their instruments with wood, wire, metal, plastic bottles, etc. and hear the upbeat tunes they had prepared! It definitely was, as we liked to call it, a "National Geographic moment." So fun!
That evening we had dinner with David and Linda Gregersen (seen on the left below) as well as Don and Laura Oldenburg (on the right) who are another couple living at the Namwianga Mission long-term. We had such an enjoyable evening and stayed up pretty late with the Gregersen's talking about what their lives have been like these past four years while in Zambia.
Monday, March 16th: On Monday we drove a few hours to a place where a man named Supper (pronounced “Soo-pah”... the 2nd man in the picture below along with his brother-in-law and Britni) lived in a hut far removed from the nearest village. He is currently in the inactive stages of leprocy and was brought to Namwianga’s annual medical mission in a wheelbarrow last summer to receive care. Soo-pah was able to hear the Word of God while at the medical mission and responded by becoming a Christian that summer.
He has lost half a leg and several fingers as a result of the disease and has very little to his name other than a few mango trees growing outside his hut.
We were able to till the soil around the trees and clean up some of the area for him. Soo-pah was very quiet, but very gracious. As I watched Soo-pah crawl to his hut, it was the neatest thing to realize that the next time I see him, it will be in heaven. I imagine him running through those streets of gold with laughter and praise! That’s huge.
Tuesday & Wednesday March 17th & 18th: Tuesday and Wednesday were spent at the Haven 1 and Haven 2 orphanages, which are designated for orphaned infants and toddlers. I remember first walking into the buildings feeling so excited to love on, hold, feed, and play with these sweet little babies. I fell in love with two particular rooms and spent most of my time with Stella (in the picture below), Gift (2nd picture), Yvonne & Yvette (the twins), Julia, Andrew, William, Scott, and Daisy.
While I loved being there at the orphanage, part of me grew more and more sad as the day progressed along with the growing realization of who these babies were and why they were there. That feeling was only magnified as I walked in the rooms designated for the HIV positive babies. Eyeopening and heartwrenching, indeed. While the “Aunties” of each room do a phenomenal job with the constant care these babies and toddlers require, there is only so much they can do. Any of you who are parents can attest to the amount of diaper changings, feedings, bathings, and supervision these little ones need! Lunch time was crazy!! Needless to say, Tuesday and Wednesday were filled with many laughs and great memories.
Friday, March 20th: Friday morning we packed up all our things and headed to the orphanages to say our goodbyes to the little ones. After we took some group pictures and fought back a few tears, it was time to go. The addition to our group in these pictures seen below is Meagan. She has lived at the Namwianga Mission for the past couple of years and is an absolute blessing to these children.... there is no doubt that she is doing exactly what she was made to do at this point in her life. The 6 of us were blessed by her humility and compassion.
David and Linda Gregersen arranged for our group to have a day of Zambian “city life” (aka shopping and bargaining in the markets) and other tourist attractions. We road in a boat down the Zambezi River and then went to Victoria Falls to enjoy the gorgeous views. What an AMAZING way to tangibly see the power of God.
We did a small amount of souvenir shopping outside of the falls and then headed back to our hotel in Livingstone for dinner. We shared our meal with both the Gregersens and the Oldenburgs. We spent a great evening together eating good food and “debriefing” from the week. What a blessing it was to hear their words of wisdom and faith. They encouraged us to always “go with the story” of Christ in wherever life takes us. We are called to be different, and to always go with the story of grace, hope, and love: the story of Christ.
Saturday and Sunday, March 21st & 22nd: Saturday was our last day on Zambian soil! We spent the early morning at Mosi-O-Tunya game park to get a glimpse of some African wildlife including baboons, giraffes, impalas, hippos, warthogs, and zebras (my favorite!). Afterwards, it was time to catch our flight and head west.
Truly, none of this even scratches the surface of our trip and what it meant to all of us. Definitely the "Reader's Digest" version. I'll post my impressions and some of the things I took away from this experience soon.
Blogging is time consuming!! But believe me, I'd much rather be blogging than researching evidence based practices for my classes!
Until next time...
"Of all the places in the world, of all the years that have passed, and all the people we could be with, I am fully confident God has placed us all where we need to be. For the team of 6 past Blue Haven counselors, the Namwianga Mission in Zambia in March 2009 is exactly where God wants us.
The group consists of: Nathan Goodnight, Chad Baker, Leland Rose, Kathryn Warder, Micah Bayles, and myself [Britni Johnson].
Thursday, 3/12: Please pray that we have safe travel today! We have a total of 5 airports to see in the next two days, and because some of the flights are booked closely together, we could use prayers for smooth travel-getting through customs and security and no delays and everything. Pray that we can be a blessing to all we come in contact with and also pray that we can get plenty of rest while we travel.
Friday, 3/13: We have the potential of seeing Philip Camp and the Praise Choir from LCU in the Amsterdam airport when we arrive this morning. Please pray for their safety while they travel to the Ukraine and pray that we are able to see each other and be encouraged by each other half way around the world. We should be arriving in Johannesburg tonight around 10 p.m.
Saturday, 3/14: We will be arriving in Zambia today (finally). We ask that you pray for us to get through the last bit of our traveling safely and without problems or setbacks. Pray for our energy level-that we will be enthusiastic and ready to face whatever we might see at the Namwianga Mission and that we may go ahead and began forming bonds with the people we meet.
Sunday, 3/15: I love Sundays! I am so excited about worshipping in true Zambian fashion. Pray that we may put our hearts into the services and that we may encourage and be encouraged by the zeal of our brothers and sisters in this poverty-stricken country. (And pray that we can muster the food we will be eating!)
Monday, 3/16: I would like you to specifically pray for Micah today. Pray that the Lord will work on her heart today and use her in ways she needs to be spiritually stretched. Micah has such a generous heart and has already done so much to advance the Kingdom. Pray that God’s will for her in Africa is in full swing this week.
Tuesday, 3/17: Lift Leland before the Father today. Pray that he has a connection with the people he needs to minister to and pray that their hearts will be open and softened to what God has to say through Leland. Pray also that the Lord works on Leland’s heart and opens his eyes to new opportunities.
Wednesday, 3/18: Pray for Kathryn. Kathryn is such a servant and blessing to all she meets. She has a compassionate heart and I know God has specific purposes for her in Zambia this very week. Pray those purposes are fulfilled and she will have knowledge to speak when she needs to speak, hug when she needs to hug, and be able to love like Jesus loves. [Britni did not include herself on the specific group member prayer days, but please lift her up on this day. She has such faith and so much to give. Pray that she would be bold!!]
Thursday, 3/19: This is Nathan’s day. Pray that he will have the heart of a servant and be willing to step out on faith if he needs to. Nathan is so good at bringing laughter to those around him, so pray that he will be the source of smiles for those that may need it today.
Friday, 3/20: Pray for Chad. Pray that this experience has genuinely touched his heart and taken him deeper into the arms of Christ. Today might be a tough day because we are leaving the mission and heading to Livingstone. Pray for the whole group as we begin our travels once again, but this time leaving a piece of our heart with our new friends from Namwianga.
Saturday, 3/21: The plan is to get up early and see Victoria Falls today, then head to a game park to see some African wildlife. I have heard that Victoria Falls is simply breath-taking and personally, there isn’t much that speaks to my heart better than the pure wonder and amazement of creation. (Watch Planet Earth and tell me there’s no God! Not possible.) Pray that this will be a good way to finish the trip and that our flight tonight will arrive safely in Senegal.
Sunday, 3/22: Please please please PLEASE pray that even though we are not wanting to leave Africa just yet and our emotions are high from exhaustion, we need to get as much sleep as we can. This is one of the parts I am worried about the most because we are coming off an amazing week but will be so tired...and we all begin our busy college/career-filled lives as soon as we land. Pray that we don’t lose anything that touched our hearts this week. Also, please pray that we have all been drawn deeper into the heart of God and are able to love people back in the states that we need to. Pray that our priorities be more focused on Him and that we can be prepared to fight whatever Satan throws at us.
Thanks for taking the time to do this. I know it has been a blessing to us on the trip and I hope it has enriched your prayer life as well. I want to encourage you to listen to His voice…listen for the call. And GO!"
“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn and provide for those who grieve in Zion-to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.”
–Isaiah 61:1-3