Well, we got the call tonight... and after 2 and 1/2 years of fighting cancer, my Aunt Kay, Dad's 2nd oldest sister, has gone to heaven.
These things are never easy (tears have come and gone.... and will come and go again), but what a blessing it is to know she is in Heaven right now-- face to face with God. Blessed assurance, indeed.
It seriously blows my mind to think of what Aunt Kay is experiencing and participating in at this very moment. Think of the reunions that must be going on! The introductions!! Pillars of faith that she has studied and taken encouragement from are communing and worshipping with my aunt! Of course I've thought of heaven before... but I don't know... it just blows my mind. We truly can't grasp eternity... or the true splendor of our God.

My Aunt Kay was such a woman of faith and someone I truly cherished in my life. Her and Uncle David have been like surrogate parents to me since I've moved to Lubbock for school, and we're all really going to miss her. Even though it was so hard to hear the news from the doctors at the beginning of this month saying she had "days to weeks" left to live, it was a sweet time for her to be with loved ones and family (including grandbabies!). We were able to spend time with her and say our goodbyes in the ways that we could. I know my uncle and cousins and their families are so very thankful for the meals, flowers, visits, cards, and prayers.
my cousin Heather, me, & Aunt Kay
at an "impromptu" baby shower at church
I really don't know who even reads this anymore... but maybe this post was more for myself. A renewed look at this thought of eternity and that blessed assurance we can have through Christ as our savior. I mess up all the time.... but I thank God that His grace covers me. One of the things my Aunt Kay left me with in one of our last conversations was this: "Just remember it's all about God. This world is just practice for the real thing."
Much love. It so very hard. We all have a cross to bare considering the one who wore the cross for us. However, there an amazing reward. You are lucky to have her here and watching from above.