We now have 6 people going on our trip!

Chad is 22 years old and is working as an assistant youth minister at McDermott Road Church of Christ in Plano. He graduated from Lubbock Christian University last May with a degree in business administration, but decided to take the ministry route instead! Chad joined Nathan last spring on their trip to Tanzania, so he is the 2nd person in our group who has already experienced some of Africa. I met Chad at Camp Blue Haven in 2007 when I was a first year counselor and he was a returning counselor. Chad is a great guy and will add so much to the group! I'm so glad he's able to come!
2009 Zambia Team

me, Micah, & Britni at CBH

Nathan & Chad in Tanzania

Leland & Nathan at CBH

me, Micah, & Britni again-- hiking at CBH
Yeah, Chad!!