Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Austin, Texas

So, I started my internship at St. David's Rehabilitation Hospital yesterday. It was an intimidating first day, to say the least, but thankfully today was a little better. I'm not going to get too far into it... but umm... did I really take classes over all this stuff? Because I sure can't seem to pull it out when I need it. I feel like I'm the one needing therapy. hmmm...

Even though I'm stressed, I can find contentment in other ways. Thank God for prayer and good people in my life. 

In other news, I am SO happy to be here in Austin with my awesome cousins, Mary Katherine and Janie. That's a definite plus. 

Love you all! Pray for me? :)


  1. Ha, reading this felt like I was reading a journal entry from my student teaching semester... Just know we all go through and this is why we do internships and why we just dont jump into the work world. Just wait... the smallest success will feel like you have conquered the world.

  2. So many days later and you have ridden through some of the plunges of the roller coaster called "internship". I pray you are through the worst and you can get off at the top.

  3. You will come out so much stronger than when you first came in. Sometimes we just have to be stretched a little and it can be pretty uncomfortable. See you soon at the wedding. :)

  4. you have not updated in a VERY long time!
