Britni and I got another round of immunizations taken care of this past Tuesday. Nobody wants typhoid fever...
I sent an email to David & Linda Gregersen (our connection to Zambia) the other day with flight information and some more questions. I asked if they would be able to give me a better idea of what the need will be at the mission while we are there. This was part of David's response:
[I've inserted my own comments in the brackets]
With a small group coming you will be spending a lot of time in our orphanages interacting with babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. [Yay! That's what I was hoping for!] There are over 60 of them and they don't get enough one-on-one attention. You will interact in devotionals, bible classes, and worship services with Zambian students and teachers. You, Kathryn, can learn about a group of speech pathologists [what?!] that are coming here in May to do some clinic work and are planning to come every May for several years. [ahh!] They are working through Harding University and the Zambian government. [How great would that be to combine my career choice (which I love) with a deeper purpose?] You may be given a project to do like painting or cleaning one day. Our goal is to whet your spiritual appetite for doing missions in the future in Africa perhaps even at the Namwianga Mission. We already have two young women in their mid twenties who are graduates from Harding and Oklahoma Christian working full time at the mission. One is a PA at the clinic and the other is a caretaker at the baby orphanage. You will meet them and get to work with them. There are lots of opportunities for adults your age to plug into the work at the mission on a long-term (two or more years) basis. We hope visits like yours will turn in to longer times of service in Africa. So you will be getting a taste of mission work in Africa. Before Louisa and Meagan (the two mentioned above) came to the mission for a longer term they had done short-term missions at the Namwianga and in Uganda. Who knows what God will do with you after your trip. [it's definitely exciting to think about] I hope this helps with communicating to your supporters. You can use this response on your blog if you desire. [and I shall!]
Press on,
In other news... I'm home for the weekend!! And my birthday was yesterday! woo hoo! It's been a good week.