So, this isn't really Africa related... just a post! I've always been a night owl... I guess my body seriously won't let me quit just yet.
This past weekend I was able to head home to see family for a few days, and it was just wonderful. I felt somewhat nostalgic all weekend for some reason. I think it's because we pulled out the home videos (which we have perfectly coded and categorized in a nifty notebook). I really have been blessed with such an amazing family. It's always good to remember that!

haha, this was taken on a family trip to Disney World in like.... goodness... 2000? Jessica would know. I think I'm in the 8th grade, which would make Jess a junior, and John a 3rd grader.
*Note to family: I need a current family picture on my computer.
Weekend Highlights:
-John was named the 2009 "Man of South", winning a $750 college scholarship (woo hoo, John!)
-Birthday dinner & gifts with the family (my mom is a great cook)
-LOTS of sweets (2 types of cheesecake, my birthday cake, baby Claire's birthday cake & ice cream, and lots of those little chocolates mom keeps out in a bowl for my grazing enjoyment... probably not good)
-okay, I'm a little embarrassed about that last bullet
-my cousin Claire's 1 year old birthday celebration!! She's precious. I even got to see extended family over the weekend (love you guys!).
-had lunch with Mitchell, hung out with Alison & Natalie, enjoyed coffee with Mallory!
-church at home :O)
It was great! Not gonna lie... I really didn't want to go back to school. It's a good thing I love my major (see Jan. 29th post).
Psalm 100:3
Know that the Lord is God.
It is he who has made us, and we are his;
We are his people, the sheep of his pasture.