Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Austin, Texas

So, I started my internship at St. David's Rehabilitation Hospital yesterday. It was an intimidating first day, to say the least, but thankfully today was a little better. I'm not going to get too far into it... but umm... did I really take classes over all this stuff? Because I sure can't seem to pull it out when I need it. I feel like I'm the one needing therapy. hmmm...

Even though I'm stressed, I can find contentment in other ways. Thank God for prayer and good people in my life. 

In other news, I am SO happy to be here in Austin with my awesome cousins, Mary Katherine and Janie. That's a definite plus. 

Love you all! Pray for me? :)

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Hello friends! Okay... so I'm almost completely moved out of my house and it's pretty bittersweet. Freshman year to grad school... I have really had a great group of roommates!! I will be rooming with two new girls beginning in August for this last year of student-life and am pretty pumped about the situation... but Jessie and Julie will certainly be missed! :(

But first things first.... tomorrow I head to Austin for a 6-week-long externship (yeah, I don't know why they call it "externship") at St. David's Rehabilitation Hospital. Am I excited? Yes. Nervous? Yes. Ready? No. 

I just realized I don't know where I'm supposed to "report" to on Monday morning. haha, guess I'll let you know how it goes later...

In the meantime, here is a pictorial time-line of all my past roommates for your viewing enjoyment. I've made some great memories with each of these girls! 

Freshman year: Horn Hall with Amy

Sophomore year: Horn Hall with Heather

Sophomore year: saying goodbye to the dorms!

Junior year: "The Reserve" with Heather, Becca, and Ruby

Senior year: "The Reserve" with Callie, Becca, and Kensey

1st Year Grad: 31st Street with Jessie & Julie (I'll miss ya'll!)

Annnnd goodnight!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

praise from around the world

This is a group of kids from a children's home in Tanzania. Love it!